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3-5 August 2022
Universität Klagenfurt
Europe/Vienna timezone

Component sizes of scale-free inhomogeneous random graphs

4 Aug 2022, 14:00
HS 3 (Universität Klagenfurt)

HS 3

Universität Klagenfurt

Talk Stochastics Session A4 Stochastics


The Norros-Reittu model is an inhomogeneous random multigraph that exhibits the so-called scale-free or power-law behaviour, which is observed in real-world complex networks. We study the component sizes of the Norros-Reittu model in the subcritical regime, i.e. in the abscence of a giant component, and show convergence of the point process of the component sizes to a Poisson process. The same result holds for closely related graphs such as the Chung-Lu model and the generalized random graph. It is planned to derive similar results for geometric graph models like the random connection model.

Primary authors

Matthias Lienau (Hamburg University of Technology) Prof. Matthias Schulte (Hamburg University of Technology)

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