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11-16 September 2023
Universität Klagenfurt
Europe/Vienna timezone

Participants are welcome to apply for the Theory, Culture & Society inaugural Summer School, taking place 11-16 September 2023 at University of Klagenfurt, Austria. Apply online here.

The Summer School provides a unique opportunity to join a community of scholars for an intensive study & cultural programme. Participants will be able to:

  • explore contemporary critical debates and perspectives;
  • enhance skills and literacies for research and publishing;
  • share in a rich, cultural programme.

Situated in the Austrian Alps, the University of Klagenfurt provides an inspiring location for a diversity of scholars to come together from across disciplines and geographies, to work with the experienced editorial teams of the journals Theory, Culture & Society and Body & Society, alongside invited speakers and guest, and staff from the University of Klagenfurt from a broad disciplinary spectrum (Media & Communications, Cultural Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Slavonic Studies and Robert Musil Institute for Literary Research), who will be on hand to discuss your ongoing research projects.

The intensive course spanning 5 days, for which 5 ECTS credits are awarded, is divided into four strands:

  • Scholarly Apparatus. The 40-year history of the journal has witnessed many shifts and trends in research. Workshops will explore the current contexts of research, addressing the changing ‘scholarly apparatus,’ mapping new ways of working and post-media literacies. Issues to be addressed include:
    • Digitalization of academic life
    • Editing and publishing
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Post-university tendencies
    • Media and new media literacies
    • Postmedia practices
  • Work-in-Progress: A special dedicated series invites participants to present on aspects of their own work, with a view to supporting publication and public engagement. There will also be round table and poster sessions along with opportunities for informal discussion with speakers, faculty and participants. Time is also afforded for writing, giving participants an opportunity for quiet study, but within a shared environment.   
  • Global Public Life: Building on the journal’s dedicated annual section, ‘Global Public Life’, the Summer School presents a cultural strand of film screenings, engagement with artists, media practices and guest speakers. Held during the evenings, these events provide a relaxed atmosphere, allowing for speculative debate and shared reflections. The programme is also supplemented with a day trip into the mountains.
Universität Klagenfurt
Universitätsstraße 65-67 9020 Klagenfurt AUSTRIA