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11-13 September 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone
Deadline extended: 09.06.24 for all submissions / Early Bird: until 08.07.24

Voters’ feelings of exclusion and behavioral intentions after political elections: Replicating and extending findings on vicarious exclusion

11 Sep 2024, 14:30
Talk Social Psychology Talk Session 1


Nilüfer Aydin (PSY_SEP)


Previous research from the United States indicates that voting for a losing candidate in presidential elections is associated with feelings of exclusion and social pain, similar to reactions in interpersonal exclusion. Our research replicates these findings in real election in a European country (Austria), demonstrating their relevance in a different political system. Experimental evidence also supports the causal effect of electoral loss on exclusion and social pain in both two-party (Study 2) and multiparty contexts (Study 3). Additionally, we show that post-election feelings of threat can impact behavioral intentions on a societal level (Studies 1-3). These findings contribute to research on individual feelings of exclusion in politics, linking small-group dynamics with broader political behavior.

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Primary authors

Nilüfer Aydin (PSY_SEP) Janet Kleber (University of Klagenfurt) Ms Luisa Afra Malin Mahr (University of Klagenfurt) Dr Katharina Gangl (Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna)

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