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11-13 September 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone
Deadline extended: 09.06.24 for all submissions / Early Bird: until 08.07.24

Screen Time and Self-Control. Digital Media’s Impact on Young Children’s Inhibition Control

12 Sep 2024, 11:30
Assembly Hall

Assembly Hall

Pre-data Poster Developmental Psychology Poster Session


Eszter Balogh


A growing body of research results (Schmidt & Vandewater, 2008; NMHH, 2021; Rideout, 2017) suggests that children begin the use of digital devices at a younger and younger age and that this kind of usage can have both positive and negative effects on the development of young children’s cognitive skills (McHarg et al., 2020; Bukhalenkova, 2021;).
To help clarify the topic of young children’s digital media use and its effect on early development we set two main goals in our research project: (1) to investigate early media use with a complex methodology that includes: collecting data directly from both parents via questionnaire and children’s via personal examination; (2) to investigate the topic as early in development as possible, in this case on the sample of 3-8 years old children.
With our combined methodology, we hope to broaden our knowledge and get a more nuanced understanding of young children’s and their family's media use and its connection to the early development of cognitive skills, especially inhibition skills which serve as a base of later social and cognitive competence.
Based on our former research and the accessible literature on the topic we expect significant associations between children's digital media use (reported both by children and by parents) and the inhibition skills of children during said media use. We hope to gain more knowledge about the aforementioned media usage and its connections by extending our research in numbers and methods.

Are you currently an Early Career Researcher? Yes, I am still a student or have not yet received my Ph.D.

Primary author

Eszter Balogh


Diána Ágnes Varró-Horváth Rebeka Orbán

Presentation Materials

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