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11-13 September 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone
Deadline extended: 09.06.24 for all submissions / Early Bird: until 08.07.24

Short information messages can improve attitudes towards electric vehicles

11 Sep 2024, 12:30
Assembly Hall

Assembly Hall

Poster Environmental Psychology Poster Session


Valter Prpic (University of Bologna)


The shift from traditional combustion vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs) is crucial for meeting decarbonisation targets and addressing global warming. This transition faces several challenges, many of which are psychological. A well-known issue is range anxiety, the fear of running out of energy during travel. This and other factors causing scepticisms about EV adoption often stem from misinformation or outdated knowledge. Many people are unaware of recent technological advancements that improve travel times, charging speeds, and battery recovery. In this study, conducted in collaboration with Maserati, we identified 12 common misconceptions about EVs and created a series of brief informative messages to counteract each one. University students participated by completing a questionnaire measuring their attitudes towards EVs before and after viewing the informational messages. The results showed significant improvements in most areas studied, such as environmental and social impact perceptions. However, there was no significant direct effect on the participants' personal purchase intentions, although the likelihood of recommending an EV to a family member or friend increased.

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Primary authors

Valter Prpic (University of Bologna) Luisa Lugli

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