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11-13 September 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone
Deadline extended: 09.06.24 for all submissions / Early Bird: until 08.07.24

Child-to-Parent Victimization and Parental Mental Health: An exploration

Not scheduled
Talk Health Psychology Talk Session 11


Tushar Singh (Banaras Hindu University)


The present paper attempted to explore the relation between child-to-parent victimization and parental mental health. Although child-to-parent violence is considered to be the third major type of family violence, its prevalence and consequences are still understudied. In developing societies like India parent child relationship is considered to be parent dominated and thus child-to parent violence is often underestimated and underreported. The present study investigated the relationship between child-to-parent victimization and parental mental health, by exploring the association of the type of child-to-parent victimization with physical and psychological abuse and overall general health that included somatic symptoms, anxiety/insomnia, social dysfunction and severe depression. In addition the study also investigated gender differences in the perpetration of the aggressive behavior leading to child-to-parent victimization. A total of 85 parents (both father and mother) were administered Child-to-Parent Victimization- Parent Version Scale, Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale and General Health Questionnaire along with a demographic information sheet intended to collect their demographic details. The results of the study indicated significant positive associations between child-to-parent victimization and somatic symptoms, anxiety/insomnia, social dysfunction, severe depression, anxiety and stress of parents. A non-significant gender difference revealed that parents of both gender are equally victimized by their child and experience adverse physiological and psychological held impacts. These results are important and calls for further research studies to expand our understanding of factors leading to child-to parent violence and interventional strategies so as to help both parents and children for their enhanced well- being.

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Primary authors

Tushar Singh (Banaras Hindu University) Ms Kalawar Tanya (Banaras Hindu University)

Presentation Materials

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