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11-13 September 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone
Deadline extended: 09.06.24 for all submissions / Early Bird: until 08.07.24

Liminal hotspots: emotional overheat, entrapment and addiction.

12 Sep 2024, 15:10
Talk Other (please specify in comments) Talk Session 2


Marta Erdős (Department of Community and Social Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Pécs)


The theory of rites of passage has long been employed in clinical and developmental psychology as an explanatory notion for trauma-related conditions. The idea is of particular relevance to addiction-related problems. The liminal hotspot, a recent concept by Greco and Stenner (2017) captures a state of emotional overheat while the person is being stuck in the liminal condition. This extended liminality is not identical with the liminoid context with its playfulness and potentials (though not guarantees) for successful transition. Both forms occur in late modern environments, where consumerist patterns support the use of identity prostheses and disrupt the previous, ordered sequences of identity development during the life span. Consumerism supports, celebrates and maintains addiction and craving. Substance use disorder, an ideal-typical pathology in late modern consumer societies, is characterized by the inherent paradoxes and conflicts of the consumer: the controlled loss of control finally proving uncontrollable, and being frozen and entrapped in the process of change. Contents related to liminal hotspots and emotional overheat are analysed in the life interviews of 77 persons with substance use disorder, using novel psychoactive substances.

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Primary authors

Marta Erdős (Department of Community and Social Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Pécs) Ferenc dr.Császár (University of Pécs Doctoral School of Neurosciences) Rebeka Jávor

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