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11-13 September 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone
Deadline extended: 09.06.24 for all submissions / Early Bird: until 08.07.24

Reducing Meat Consumption: How Information and Emotion Drive Dietary Change

13 Sep 2024, 10:20
Track 1 (lecture hall: HS 1)

Track 1 (lecture hall: HS 1)

Presentation in Symposium Environmental Psychology Symposium: What can Emotions contribute to Sustainable Behavior?


Tatjana Kwasny (University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt)


Reducing meat consumption and transitioning to plant-based diets are recognized as crucial to tackle climate change. Concern for animal welfare can reduce meat consumption by activating cognitive dissonance, which may also arise from environmental concerns associated with meat consumption. Yet, there is a lag in empirical research examining the effect of such interventions on reduced meat consumption. Our research seeks to address this by (i) adding knowledge on environment-related interventions that elicit meat-related cognitive dissonance and (ii) compare the effectiveness of interventions using information and interventions inducing negative emotions in reducing actual meat consumption. In two online experiments consumers first had to choose between a meat-based and a plant-based burger followed by receiving information about the negative environmental effects of meat consumption (informational intervention). The results did not show a significant effect of information about the environmental effects of meat consumption on consumers’ experienced cognitive dissonance. In a next step we plan to test an intervention aiming to activate negative emotions among consumers (emotional intervention). Following their meal choice, consumers receive a series of pictures showing the negative environmental consequences of meat consumption based on recent Austrian examples (e.g., dry lakes). These pictures ought to activate feelings of guilt and/or anxiety and, cognitive dissonance among consumers. To complement these series of studies, in a following laboratory experiment, the effectiveness of emotional interventions on actual meat consumption will be tested.

Are you currently an Early Career Researcher? Yes, I am within 6 years of receiving my Ph.D.

Primary authors

Tatjana Kwasny (University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt) Sarah Marth (University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt) Barbara Hartl (Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna) Petra Riefler (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna)

Presentation Materials

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