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24-27 September 2024
Gasthof-Pension Laggerhof
Europe/Vienna timezone

Dear Post-Docs!


Are you currently writing a proposal? Or do you want to write a proposal for a third-party funding?

We would like to invite you to our upcoming writing retreat, where you’ll have a break from everyday university life(administrative tasks and other duties or obligations) and time and space for developing your research proposal (e.g. FWF, ÖAW, or European sources like ERC grants, FFG or other).

Why should you participate? How can a retreat support your work? 

Learn from Experts: Researchers with extensive experience in writing funding applications will assist you and be available for questions, tips, and tricks. Further, the AAU Research Support Service will provide support in the form of (online) inputs and Q&A.

Peer Group and Feedback: Writing doesn't have to be a solitary endeavor. By joining, you can connect with colleagues who are in a similar situation, and you’ll have the opportunity to share ideas, exchange experiences and receive constructive feedback on your proposals.

When: Tuesday 24th September to Friday 27th September 2024 
Where: Pension Laggerhof, Millstätter See
Covered Costs (by the Gender Centre): Train, Hotel and Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are included
Registration and further information:

Registration Deadline: 25th June 2024

If there are more applications than places, selection is based on diversity criteria.

We can't wait to see you there.

Kind regards,

Gender Zentrum

Gasthof-Pension Laggerhof
Großegg 2 9701 Rothenthurn in Carinthia Österreich
Registration for this event is currently open.