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4 September 2022 to 7 September 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Behavior-change intentions for climate change mitigation: Targeting high-impact emission domains

5 Sep 2022, 16:00


Posterpräsentation Postersession 1


Hilmar Brohmer (University of Graz) Daniel Köstenbaumer (University of Graz) Ursula Athenstaedt (University of Graz)


The reduction of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the fight against anthropogenic climate change requires the change of behaviors and lifestyles of all of us. Different domains are relevant for reducing GHG emissions, such as the overarching areas of transportation, energy usage, and electricity consumption all of which involve more specific behaviors. In this context, public support of such mitigation policies is crucial. With this large study of the Austrian population (N ~ 1000), we focus on behavior change intentions in high-impact areas of energy consumption. We test meaningful psychological predictors and mediating mechanisms for behavior change intentions, such as biospheric values, consideration of future consequences, and willingness to sacrifice, which have been shown to be important in previous studies. We show that these variables predict some, but certainly not all behavioral intentions, indicating that both behaviors and psychological factors are heterogenous within the population, complicating future interventions.

Primary authors

Hilmar Brohmer (University of Graz) Daniel Köstenbaumer (University of Graz) Ursula Athenstaedt (University of Graz)

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