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More egalitarian societies reveal larger intelligence heritabilities: A meta-analysis of twin-studies

5 Sep 2022, 10:00



Jakob Pietschnig (University of Vienna) Jonas Traub (Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, University of Vienna, Austria) Magdalena Siegel (Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, University of Vienna, Austria) Elisabeth Zeilinger (University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria) Marie Pellegrini (Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, University of Vienna, Austria)


There is a broad consensus among the scientific community that human intelligence is affected by both nature and nurture components. However, researchers disagree on the strength of cognitive ability heritabilities with h² estimates ranging from the lower .20s to the upper .80s. Based on data of more than 30,000 mono- and 39,000 dizygotic twin-pairs from 20 different countries, we show in the present meta-analysis (77 studies, k = 328 effect sizes; 88 unique samples) that heritabilities for both intelligence and educational achievement-based assessments yield convergent summary effects, ranging between h² = .52 to .61 in bivariate and multilevel models. These estimates appear to be largely unaffected by potential confounders such as dissemination bias or decline effects, but are meaningfully associated with the Gini- and global social mobility index, suggesting larger heritabilities in more egalitarian societies. Moreover, our analyses reveal larger heritabilities of more strongly g-loaded intelligence measures. In all, our results indicate substantial intelligence heritabilities across different countries that appear to be stronger in more egalitarian countries.

Primary authors

Jakob Pietschnig (University of Vienna) Jonas Traub (Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, University of Vienna, Austria) Magdalena Siegel (Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, University of Vienna, Austria) Elisabeth Zeilinger (University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria) Marie Pellegrini (Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, University of Vienna, Austria)

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