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The (in-)accuracy of self-assessed intelligence: Meta-analytic evidence for a moderate but reproducible correlation between self-assessed and psychometric intelligence

5 Sep 2022, 10:40



Sabine Patzl (Center for International Student Assessment (ZIB), Technical University of Munich, Germany) Jakob Pietschnig (University of Vienna)


Past research indicates a moderate correlation between psychometric intelligence (IQ) and self-assessed intelligence (SAI). However, ever-increasing publication numbers, the development of more refined research synthesis methods, and recent findings suggesting potential bias due to declining effects in empirical research have rendered previous meta-analytic accounts outdated. Consequently, a total of 242 effect sizes (N = 54,566) were synthesized by applying a 3-level meta-analytic model, revealing a correlation of r = .31. Measurement unreliability was addressed by applying a Hunter and Schmidt approach, which yielded a correlation of r = .39. The application of eight dissemination bias methods revealed that the observed summary effects must be considered to be somewhat inflated. In all, we present evidence for a moderate but reproducible correlation between SAI and IQ, which generalizes over assessment methods but is differentiated in terms of ability types showing strongest associations for numerical abilities, followed by fullscale, spatial, and other cognitive abilities.

Primary authors

Sabine Patzl (Center for International Student Assessment (ZIB), Technical University of Munich, Germany) Jakob Pietschnig (University of Vienna)

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