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4 September 2022 to 7 September 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Agility and health promoting leadership support resource building and enhance engagement


Paul Jiménez (Universität Graz) Cornelia Hubich-Schmon (research-team) Michaela Höfer (research-team) Martin Weßel (research-team) Anita Bregenzer (University of Graz)


Building up resources in the workplace through health-promoting leadership (HPL) is shown to have positive effects on employees. “Getting things done” on the other hand is the idea of the concept of “agility”. This study wants to clarify the aspects of agile working and the relationship between an agile organizational culture and HPL. Agile working means building organizational resources and supporting personal growth – which is part of the concept of health-promoting leadership.
As part of a representative online study with 2598 persons a randomly selected sample of 374 workers were asked about the agile organizational culture including the evaluation of their direct supervisor. We found three separate factors for the agility-profile questionnaire: customer orientation, personal growth, knowledge sharing. SEM showed that an agile organizational culture is positively related to employee engagement and HPL lowers stress and thus increases engagement. The results are in line with the JDR-model and the model of the recovery/resources-stress balance: Organizations with agile working processes benefit from employee health in addition to health-promoting leadership.

Primary authors

Paul Jiménez (Universität Graz) Cornelia Hubich-Schmon (research-team) Michaela Höfer (research-team) Martin Weßel (research-team) Anita Bregenzer (University of Graz)

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