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4 September 2022 to 7 September 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

The misunderstanding of outcome monitoring. A systematic literature review on instrumental leadership.


Elia Pizzolitto (University G. d'Annunzio - Chieti-Pescara - Italy)


In this paper, through a systematic literature review, I argue that the scientific study of instrumental leadership has been the object of a misunderstanding of its fourth dimension, i.e., outcome monitoring. The general conceptualization of this dimension, which interprets outcome monitoring as an activity consisting of performance supervision and feedback provision, is highly reductive. Outcome monitoring allows instrumental leaders to modify their style and behavior depending on followers’ performance and environmental conditions. After the descriptive analysis, the article includes a content analysis performed through a grounded approach. The study conducts to the design of a thematic map that highlights the complex nature of instrumental leadership’s outcome monitoring, linking performance and context in a self-empowering circuit, in which instrumental leaders, through the outcome monitoring, can modify the contextual conditions and their actions, strategies, and behavior. Finally, I present some recommendations for further research.

Primary author

Elia Pizzolitto (University G. d'Annunzio - Chieti-Pescara - Italy)

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