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4 September 2022 to 7 September 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Perception and processing of information in charitable giving

5 Sep 2022, 09:00


Keynote Allgemeine Psychologie Keynote


Stephan Dickert (Universität Klagenfurt)


Humanitarian crises happen with a certain regularity and we are frequently confronted with the catastrophic consequences of various problems around the world. While news media primarily aim to inform us about these crises, the goal of charity organizations is to increase donations to organize relief efforts. However, the psychological mechanisms underlying donation decisions are complex and not well understood. In my research, I examine when and why people are willing to help others, including when large numbers of lives are affected. Specifically, I focus on the emotional and cognitive processes influencing the valuation of lives. Central questions revolve around how emotions (such as sympathy and compassion) are generated and when exposure to charitable giving requests facilitates prosocial decisions. I will present data on the different effects of specific emotions and how cognitive processes can shape affective reactions and the perception of need. For example, the role of reference points, proportions, cost-benefit calculations as well as victim number statistics will be discussed. This research highlights the importance of understanding the different processes leading to donation decisions and can explain why we often do not help although it is well within our capability.

Primary author

Stephan Dickert (Universität Klagenfurt)

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