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4 September 2022 to 7 September 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone


Brückensymposium: Sleep and Mental Health

4 Sep 2022, 15:00
Track 1

Track 1


Brückensymposium: Sleep and Mental Health

  • Kerstin Hoedlmoser (University of Salzburg)


Sleep problems are among the most frequent symptoms in various psychiatric disorders. During the past years, the prevalence of sleep disturbances has been increasing with this being rather consistent in most industrialized societies. We want to introduce and discuss the tight and bivariate relationships between sleep and mental health. First, Mrs. Azza will discuss recent findings on the effects of specific sleep parameters for the reactivation of emotional memories that might play a protective role in trauma formation. Mr. Junghanns will present findings on disturbed sleep and overnight memory consolidation in those alcohol patients with an early relapse after psychotherapy. In the third contribution, Mr. Göder will report on the relationship between sleep spindle characteristics and psychotic symptoms. He, will discuss sleep spindles (a hallmark of NREM2 sleep) as a biological marker of psychotic disorders. Last but not least Mrs. Hödlmoser will demonstrate longitudinal data discussing how the development of sleep spindles might be involved in the development and/or persistence of mood and anxiety disorders in children and adolescents.

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