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4 September 2022 to 7 September 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone


Brückensymposium: What brings us together and tears us apart? How group processes polarize our societies

5 Sep 2022, 10:00
Track 3

Track 3


Brückensymposium: What brings us together and tears us apart? How group processes polarize our societies

  • J. Lukas Thürmer (Paris-Lodron Universität Salzburg)


Western societies are drifting apart, with members of different subgroups refusing to interact with each other. We unite cutting-edge research on group processes to help explain this divide. Martiny & Nikitin show that activating negative stereotypes about one’s group (i.e., age or gender) lead to reduced social approach motivation among members of these social categories in laboratory and field settings. Gollwitzer et al. extend their own research on motivated science reception and research on competitive victimhood to discuss novel conceptual approaches to victimhood narratives in social discourses and political campaigns. Flade, Klar, & Imhoff test the true-ism that larger groups unite in the face of a common threat. Indeed, threat inductions lead to a decategorization between subgroups in different national groups, including black and white Americans, Israeli Jews and Arabs, and German men and women. Criticism is central to democratic debate but Thürmer & McCrea argue that it can spur hostility. Indeed, group members were willing to invest their time and money to punish critical outgroup comments. We discuss how group processes contribute to the schism of Western societies.

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