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4 September 2022 to 7 September 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone


Symposium: New developments in psychological epistemology and methodology: Perspectivity

5 Sep 2022, 14:00


Symposium: New developments in psychological epistemology and methodology: Perspectivity

  • Barbara Hanfstingl (IUS)


Recent problems with validity and reproducibility of psychological findings have led to various proposed solutions for dealing with these inconsistencies. Although most approaches focus on either epistemological or methodological solutions, researchers agree that we can only overcome these challenges by focusing on both. This symposium shows how both levels together shed light on an underappreciated topic: Perspectivity, a rarely discussed issue within research methods. Hanfstingl introduces perspective as possible new quality criterion in research. Tran and colleagues put the perspective on the between-study level instead on intercorrelation matrices, enhancing the potential of mediation analysis in multilevel meta-analysis. Pietschnig and colleagues show how implicit perspective-taking lead to higher decline effects in meta-analyses. Edelsbrunner reports how independent analysts using the same dataset and hypotheses come to different findings and conclusions. Vilsmeier and colleagues introduce novel metrics for evaluating outcomes of replication studies, based on combinatorial meta-analysis (i.e., an all-possible-subsets perspective of research outcomes).

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