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12-14 October 2023
Universität Klagenfurt
Europe/Vienna timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Call for Papers and Panels

Papers and panels are invited for the 4th International Conference
"Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis – ADDA 4".

Possible formats of participation
Individual papers, panels, and work-in-progress papers

Important dates
Deadline for panel proposals: February 28, 2023
Notification of acceptance: March 10, 2023

Deadline for individual papers and work-in-progress papers: April 30, 2023
Notification of acceptance: May 30, 2023

For panel proposals
Please submit your panel proposal via email to Write ‘Panel Proposal’ in the subject line. Include the following information:
o title of the panel
o name(s) of panel organizer
o 350-word summary/ overview of the panel (including intended participants)
Panel organizers will be responsible for selecting the submitted contributions. Panels should contain minimally 3 individual papers.

Panel organizers will be informed, and accepted panels will be listed on the website. Individual panel contributions should be submitted via the Abstract submission tab no later than April 30, 2023, indicating the title of the panel. All submitted abstracts will be forwarded to the panel organizers for review and selection.

For individual and work-in-progress papers
Please submit an abstract of no more than 350 words, including references, via the Abstract submission tab no later than April 30, 2023. Please indicate whether you submit an individual paper or a work-in-progress.

For all submissions, clearly indicate:

o Abstract title, author names, and full institutional affiliations of the responsible (presenting) author and collaborating authors
o Contact e-mail address for the responsible author

All abstracts will be subject to double-blind peer review. There is no fixed template for writing proposals, but authors are urged to consider the following criteria which will form the basis for peer review:

  • originality of the topic and its relevance to the conference
  • background contextualisation of the study
  • relationship between title and content
  • structural organisation
  • theoretical/methodological appropriateness
  • clarity of claims and relevance
The call for abstracts is closed.