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12-14 October 2023
Universität Klagenfurt
Europe/Vienna timezone

Panel Proposals

We are happy to announce five fantastic ADDA4 panels🎉!

They all have an open call for papers. Please specify that you would like to apply for a panel (and which one) while submitting the paper for review. In case your abstract is accepted after a double-blind peer review, we will send it to the panel organizer(s) for their final decision.

If you have questions regarding any of these panels, please contact the panel organizers via email. P.S. In case you have already submitted an abstract and now see that it fits perfectly in a panel, get in touch with us via the conference email.

Click on the panel title to see its content.

PANEL #1. The construction of online (inter-/supra-) national identities in times of crisis
panel organizers: Massimiliano Demata (University of Turin) & Marlene Miglbauer (Pädagogische Hochschule Burgenland)

PANEL #2. Emotions in Digital Discourses – Textual and Multimodal Perspectives
panel organizers: Michael Wentker (Bielefeld University), Carolin Schneider (Utrecht University), & Birte Bös (University of Duisburg-Essen)

PANEL #3. Attention economies in/as digital culture
panel organizers: Ico Maly (Tilburg University) & Tom Van Hout (Tilburg University)

PANEL #4. Scio ergo sum. Linguistically enacting expertise online
panel organizer: Eva Triebl (University of Vienna)