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5-7 July 2023
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Europe/Vienna timezone

The topological derivative as an imaging tool for object detection

7 Jul 2023, 09:00
HS 2 (University of Klagenfurt)

HS 2

University of Klagenfurt


María-Luisa Rapún (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)


Detecting defects embedded in a medium is a problem of paramount interest in a variety of fields, including medical imaging, non-destructive testing of materials and geophysical exploration.

In this talk we present numerical methods based on topological derivative computations for the detection of multiple objects. The method provides an indicator function capable of classifying each point in the region of interest as belonging to the background medium or to an object, without any a priori assumption about the number, size, shape, or location of the objects.
The performance of the method in different applications, including acoustic, electromagnetic, and thermographic inspection will be shown.

Primary author

María-Luisa Rapún (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

Presentation Materials

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