Neue Events bitte unter anlegen.
24-29 September 2021
University of Klagenfurt
Europe/Vienna timezone

On 17 February we decided not to risk the insecurities and inequalities that would come with a face-to-face conference and to hold MES 11 as an online conference. The information below still applies to the originally planned face-to-face conference and will be replaced in time.

The Institute for Didactics of Mathematics of the University of Klagenfurt is happy to announce that the 11th International Mathematics Education and Society Conference will take place in Klagenfurt, Austria, from 24 September 2021 to 29 September 2021. We are currently planning the conference in spite of the corona crisis and stay optimistic that we can meet in person. Our goal is to organise a conference that allows for the sharing of insights and for intense debate in a nice environment, while staying cost-friendly and inclusive. Further information will be announced here and via the MES mailing list (to which you can subscribe by emailing to David Wagner). For now, stay healthy and critical!

University of Klagenfurt
Universitätsstraße 65-67 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee Austria