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12-14 October 2023
Universität Klagenfurt
Europe/Vienna timezone

Typologising digital genres in the light of digital discourse analysis

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Universität Klagenfurt

Universität Klagenfurt

Universitätsstraße 65-67 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
work-in-progress papers


Christelle COMBE


"One of the essential tasks of discourse analysis is to classify the discourses that are produced in a society" (Maingueneau, 2002: 592) and many works in discourse analysis are part of a comprehensive approach to genre typology (Marcoccia, 2016). The notion of discourse genre is central to discourse analysis and defines an individual's communicative competence (Bakhtin, 1984) Today, with the upheaval of communication modes, new forms of writing and publishing have appeared and it is now the "digital genres" that need to be understood, described, characterised and typologised. In this paper, we therefore propose to present a work begun around a typology of digital genres, drawing in particular on recent concepts of digital discourse analysis (Paveau, 2017: 27). The question of technological constraint in the functioning of online genres is crucial (Paveau, 2017), the medium plays a fundamental role in the emergence and stabilisation of a genre (Maingueneau, 2016) and the digital ecosystem is a complex techno-discursive environment that must be taken into account. The notion of genre of discourse within a digital ecosystem thus becomes for Paveau a "technogenre of discourse", that is: "A genre of discourse with a composite dimension, resulting from a co-constitution of the linguistic and the technological. The technogenre can be a genre belonging to the pre-digital repertoire, but which native digital environments endow with specific characteristics (such as the online commentary), or it can be a native and therefore new digital genre (such as twittérature or the press article in the form of an anthology of links or tweets). The technogenre of discourse is thus marked by or stems from the technological dimension of discourse, which implies a particular functioning and properties (2017: 300)." We will thus propose an initial typology characterising digital genres of the narrative, autobiographical, video, tutorial and sensorial type.
Bakhtine, M. (1984). Esthétique de la création verbale. Paris: Gallimard.
Charaudeau, P., & Maingueneau, D. (2002). Dictionnaire d’analyse du discours. Paris: Seuil.
Marcoccia, M. (2016). Analyser la communication numérique écrite. Paris: Armand Colin.
Paveau M.-A. (2017). L’analyse du discours numérique. Dictionnaire des formes et des pratiques. Paris: Hermann.

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