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4 September 2022 to 7 September 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone


Symposium: What it takes to be a leader: Insights into key questions of the leadership process

7 Sep 2022, 10:00
Track 2

Track 2


Symposium: What it takes to be a leader: Insights into key questions of the leadership process

  • Sabine Bergner (Universität Graz)


This symposium emphasizes organizational leadership as a key to company success. Its contributions are organized along the process of becoming and being a leader. Study 1 tackles the question why people take on leading roles and shows in a longitudinal study that personal interest, prior experience and perceived success motivate to lead. Study 2 focuses on those who are in leading positions and exposes mechanisms explaining how leaders impact employee engagement. It shows that selected leadership styles affect engagement due to the fact that they reduce employee stress. Complementary, study 3 uses a systematic literature review to prove that not only leaders affect employees but that employees also shape leader behavior. The contribution #4 takes into account that leaders have to consider the context they work in. It focuses on schools and proves that organizational size and type shape leader strategies. The final study reveals that leaders’ communication strategy – assessed using big data derived from CEO twitter accounts – affects organizational performance such as profits or assets. The symposium provides international and transdisciplinary insights into the leadership process.

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