Neue Events bitte unter anlegen.
11-13 June 2020
AAU Klagenfurt
Europe/Vienna timezone

Information for Participants / Speakers

*During a talk:* As a presenter, please do not forget to start recording your presentation.  Otherwise it's lost to posterity! As an audience member, please initially switch off your camera and microphone to preserve bandwidth.  You can always switch both back on during the discussion! Please use the "Public Chat" feature to raise questions -- this makes it easier for the presenter to schedule answers.  If you watch using the livestream, your questions are shown to the presenter as "Chat" or "Live".

*After your talk:* The rendering of the video recording of your talk is done automatically in the background but takes some time. We put the finished recording online as soon as we can, unless you tell us not to (email to All recordings are available from the "Conference Programme" section of the web page.

*Information on your talk:*  Before and during the conference you can find your talk in the Preliminary Programme; after the conference, it is on the Conference Programme page.  Each talk is assigned to a dedicated virtual "room" for which the speaker is the designated moderator, able to upload slides and manage participation.  All talks are scheduled to start and end at the full hour; the talk itself should be roughly 30min with an additional 10min for Q&A.  The rest of the time is intended to manage the interaction in the rooms and troubleshoot in case of problems.  Hence, if everything goes smoothly, there is no reason not to talk a bit longer than the assigned 30+10min.

*Practicing handling of your "room":* The current environment does not allow users to save a room's configuration.  Hence, you have to upload your presentation slides anew and change fonts and other settings whenever you log into the system.  BigBlueButton is easy to handle and very similar to other conferencing software you may have used previously.  But please use 5-10 minutes to familiarize yourself with the program before your presentation.  The link to your room is available from June 5, so you should have ample opportunity to play with the environment.

*Registration & time slot:* If you have not yet registered for participation but still plan to give your talk, please register and choose a time slot as soon as possible.  If you decided against (active) participation, please let us know.

*Conference organization:* The conference has been organized and managed using CERN's INDICO and BigBlueButton.  We are happy to share what we learned about their usage.  If you would like to use "our" environment for your own open access conference, please contact us at

*Further information:* I'm sure there will be many questions not covered here.  Please feel free to contact us at for any queries and we will try to respond as quickly as possible.  We will also have technical support during the conference.