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11-13 June 2020
AAU Klagenfurt
Europe/Vienna timezone

Conference Programme




Parallel Sessions Overview Day 1:

Thursday, June 11, 2020:


1 parallel session: Thursday, June 11, 2020  CEST 00:00

Svetlana Boyarchenko

University of Texas at Austin

Life Cycle of Startup Financing

Watch recording

1 parallel session: Thursday, June 11, 2020  CEST 01:00

Gustavo Saraiva

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Manipulation of Attractiveness in Two-Sided Stable Matches


2 parallel sessions: Thursday, June 11, 2020  CEST 07:00

Yao Cheng

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Stable Doctor-Hospital Matching Mechanisms under Distributional and Hierarchical Constraints


Watch recording


Saptarshi Mukherjee

Indian Institute of Technology Dehli

Implementation in undominated strategies with applications to economic environments


4 parallel sessions: Thursday, June 11, 2020  CEST 08:00

Yidi Xu

University of York

Land Reform, Optimal Land Holdings, and Redistribution

Watch recording

Elisheva Shamash


Principal-Agent VCG Contracts

Watch recording

Dóra Gréta Petróczy

Corvinus University of Budapest

A Comprehensive Analysis of Soccer Penalty Shootout Designs

Watch recording

John Wooders

NYU Abu Dhabi

Allocating Positions Fairly: Auctions and Shapley Value

Watch recording

4 parallel sessions: Thursday, June 11, 2020  CEST 09:00

Péter Biró

Institute of Economics, CERS

College Admissions with Ties and Common Quotas

Watch recording

Matthias Lang

LMU Munich

Mechanism Design with Narratives

Watch recording

Michiko Ogaku

Nagasaki University

The Role of Information Design in Facilitating Trust and Trustworthiness

Watch recording

Georgios Stamatopoulos

University of Crete

A Strategic Tax Mechanism

Watch recording

4 parallel sessions: Thursday, June 11, 2020  CEST 10:00

Andrew Mackenzie

Maastricht University

Menu Mechanisms

Watch recording

Qianfeng Tang

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

The Core of School Choice Problems

Watch recording

Jin Yeub Kim

Yonsei University

Neutral Public Good Mechanisms

Watch recording

Emil Temnyalov

University of Technology Sidney

An economic theory of differential treatment

Watch recording

Keynote address: Thursday, June 11, 2020  CEST 11:00 – 13:00

Johannes Hörner

Yale University

Too Much of a Good Thing? The Dynamics of Trust and Loyalty

(with Anna Sanktohanser)

Watch recording

4 parallel sessions: Thursday, June 11, 2020  CEST 14:00

Ronen Gradwohl

Ariel University

Coopetition Against an Amazon

Watch recording

Danisz Okulicz

NRU Higher School of Economics

Dynamics of Collective Litigation

Watch recording

Zoi Terzopoulou

Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam

The Borda Rule on Top-Truncated Preferences: An Axiomatic Study

Watch recording

Deniz Kattwinkel

University of Bonn

Allocation with Correlated Information: Too good to be true

Watch recording

4 parallel sessions: Thursday, June 11, 2020  CEST 15:00

Matthias Fahn

JKU Linz

Reciprocity in Dynamic Employment Relationships

Watch recording

Alexey Kushnir

Carnegie Mellon University

On the Equivalence of Weak- and Cyclic-Monotonicity

Watch recording

Yu Zhou

Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University

Competitive Equilibria in Matching Models with Financial Constraints

Watch recording

Andrea Canidio

IMT Lucca and INSEAD

Optimal Political Institutions in the Shadow of Conflict

Watch recording

4 parallel sessions: Thursday, June 11, 2020  CEST 16:00

Ulle Endriss

ILLC, University of Amsterdam

Analysis of One-to-One Matching Mechanisms via SAT Solving: Impossibilities for Universal Axioms

Watch recording

Leslie Marx

Duke University

Countervailing Power

Watch recording

Hendrik Rommeswinkel

National Taiwan University

Measuring Freedom in Games

Watch recording

Gleb Koshevoy

Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS

Majority rule on rhombus tilings and Condorcet super-domains


4 parallel sessions: Thursday, June 11, 2020  CEST 17:00

Sergei Balakin

Ohio State University

Application Costs as a Screening Instrument in Decentralized Matching

Watch recording

Bas Dietzenbacher

HSE University

Bargaining with Independence of Higher or Irrelevant Claims

Watch recording

Jeffrey Mensch

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Screening Inattentive Agents

Watch recording

Christoph Kuzmics

University of Graz

Limit Orders and Knightian Uncertainty

Watch recording

3 parallel sessions: Thursday, June 11, 2020  CEST 18:00

Michael Kramm


Andreas Gerster

Technical University of Dortmund

University of Mannheim

Optimal Non-Linear Taxation of Internalities

Watch recording

Alex Suzdaltsev

Stanford GSB

An Optimal Distributionally Robust Auction

Watch recording

Julian Teichgräber

University of Zurich

Multi-Battle Contests, Finite Automata, and the Tug-of-War

Watch recording

4 parallel sessions: Thursday, June 11, 2020  CEST 19:00

Yuan Ju

University of York

The Balanced Threat Agreement for Individual Externality Negotiation Problems

Watch recording

Michele Lombardi

University of Glasgow

Implementation with Farsighted Agents

Watch recording

Asefeh Salarinezhad

Concordia University

Matching with Minimum Quotas


Raone Costa

Escola de Economia de São Paulo

A testing period model: Bayesian Persuasion meets Screening


4 parallel sessions: Thursday, June 11, 2020  CEST 20:00

Modibo Camara

Northwestern University, Department of Economics

No-Regret Mechanisms for No-Regret Agents

Watch recording

Bernhard Kasberger

University of Oxford

The First-Price Auction under Strategic Uncertainty: Theory and Empirics


Renkun Yang

The Ohio State University

Dynamic Mechanism without Money: the Limited Commitment Case

Watch recording

Alexander Nesterov

Higher School of Economics

Did the reforms of the matching systems make them more fair?

Watch recording

3 parallel sessions: Thursday, June 11, 2020  CEST 21:00

Fedor Sandomirskiy


Can Society Learn without Opinion Leaders? (joint with Itai Arieli and Rann Smorodinsky)

Watch recording

Maxim Senkov


Persuading a Receiver With a Simplistic Worldview

Watch recording

Theofanis Tsoulouhas

University of California, Merced

Business Commonality, Standardization and Product Cycles

Watch recording

1 parallel session: Thursday, June 11, 2020  CEST 22:00

Héctor Hermida Rivera

University of East Anglia

The Implementability of Cooperative Solutions

Watch recording



Parallel Sessions Overview Day 2:

Friday, June 12, 2020:

2 parallel sessions: Friday, June 12, 2020  CEST 08:00

Jianpei Li

University of International Business and Economics

Efficient Liability in Expert Markets

Watch recording

Yangbo Song

School of Management and Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

Global Manipulation by Local Obfuscation


4 parallel sessions: Friday, June 12, 2020  CEST 09:00


Thomas G. Tangeras

Wolfgang Gick



Free University of Bolzano/Bozen and IFN Stockholm

Contracting with Endogenously Incomplete Commitment: Escape Clauses

Watch recording

Sander Renes

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Flip a Coin or Vote? An Experiment on the Implementation and Efficiency of Social Choice Mechanisms

Watch recording

Marco Serena

Max Planck Institute, Munich

Momentum and Heterogeneity in Contests

Watch recording

Alex Gershkov

Hebrew University and University of Surrey

Exploitative Priority Service

Watch recording

4 parallel sessions: Friday, June 12, 2020  CEST 10:00

Emre Aytimur

University of Leicester

Signaling Competence for Re-election

Watch recording

Elnaz Bajoori

University of Bath

Minimum Number of Searches in a Delegated Search Model with No Monetary Transfers

Watch recording

Heiner Schumacher

KU Leuven

Equilibrium Contracts and Boundedly Rational Expectations

Watch recording

Krzysztof Szczygielski

University of Warsaw

Public Provision of Professional Services

Watch recording

Keynote address: Friday, June 12, 2020  CEST 11:00 – 13:00

Pierpaolo Battigalli

Bocconi University

Strategic Reasoning and Robust Predictions: Putting Epistemic Game Theory to Work

(with Marciano Siniscalchi) 

Watch recording


4 parallel sessions: Friday, June 12, 2020  CEST 14:00

Vincent Meisner

TU Berlin

School Choice and Loss Aversion

Watch recording

Elias Tsakas

Maastricht University

Pricing Unverifiable Information

Watch recording

Federico Vaccari

University of Trento

Influential News and Policy-making

Watch recording

Thomas Giebe

Linnaeus University

A General Framework for Studying Contests

Watch recording

4 parallel sessions: Friday, June 12, 2020  CEST 15:00

James Fisher


Fuzzy Reciprocity: Contracting Limitations in Bidirectional Matching Markets

Watch recording

Rodrigo Velez

Texas A&M University

Empirical Strategy-proofness

Watch recording

Mengxi Zhang

University of Bonn

Contest with Incomplete Information: When to Turn Up the Heat, and How?

Watch recording

Antonin Macé

CNRS, Paris School of Economics

Voter Coordination in Multi-Candidate Elections

Watch recording

4 parallel sessions: Friday, June 12, 2020  CEST 16:00

Inácio Bó

University of York

Pick-an-object Mechanisms

Watch recording

Toomas Hinnosaar

Collegio Carlo Alberto

Optimal Sequential Contests

Watch recording

Scott Kominers


Redistribution through Markets

Watch recording

Michael Greinecker

University of Graz

Interim Correlated Rationalizability in Large Games

Watch recording

4 parallel sessions: Friday, June 12, 2020  CEST 17:00

Christopher Stapenhurst

The University of Edinburgh

Wasted Bribes: Designing Surprise Amnesties which Deter Collusion

Watch recording

Lamprini Zarpala

University of Piraeus

Corporate bonds: Uniform Auction under Risk and Budget Limits

Watch recording

Weiwei Zheng

George Mason University

Competition with Indivisibilities and Few Traders

Watch recording

Jack Stecher

University of Alberta

Information Design in Coordination Games with Risk Dominant Equilibrium Selection

Watch recording

3 parallel sessions: Friday, June 12, 2020  CEST 18:00

Thomas Daske

Technical University of Munich - TUM School of Management

Efficient Incentives in Social Networks: Gamification and the Coase Theorem


Caspar Oesterheld

Duke University

Eliciting Information for Decision Making

Watch recording

Tamás Solymosi

Corvinus University of Budapest

Sensitivity of Fair Prices in Assignment Markets

Watch recording

3 parallel sessions: Friday, June 12, 2020  CEST 19:00

Olivier Bos

Panthéon-Assas University

Optimal Auctions with Signaling Bidders

Watch recording

Szilvia Papai

Concordia University

School Choice with Preference Rank Classes

Watch recording

Seungwon (Eugene) Jeong


University of Bristol

Truth-Telling Dominating Strategy: Impossibilities of Shill-Proofness

Watch recording

4 parallel sessions: Friday, June 12, 2020  CEST 20:00

Joseph Duggan

University of Dayton

Tacit Collusion in Repeated Unit Commitment Auctions

Watch recording

Nicolás Figueroa

Carla Guadalupi

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Universidad Andres Bello

Testing the Sender: When Signaling is not Enough

Watch recording

Franz Ostrizek

Princeton University

Screening with Frames

Watch recording

George Georgiadis

Northwestern University

Working to Learn

Watch recording

3 parallel sessions: Friday, June 12, 2020  CEST 21:00

Qiang Fu

National University of Singapore

Confidence Management in Tournaments

Watch recording

Thomas Rivera

McGill University, Desautels Faculty of Management

Adverse Selection in the Market for Bank Capital with Heterogeneous Risk Preferences

Watch recording

Jiabin Wu

University of Oregon

Decentralized Matching with Transfers: Experimental and Noncooperative Analyses

Watch recording

2 parallel sessions: Friday, June 12, 2020  CEST 22:00

Sebastian Schweighofer-Kodritsch

School of Business and Economics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Principled Mechanism Design with Evidence

Watch recording

Carl Heese

University of Bonn

Voter Attention and Distributive Politics

Watch recording



Parallel Sessions Overview Day 3:

Saturday, June 13, 2020:


1 parallel session: Saturday, June 13, 2020  CEST 02:00

Gregory Pavlov

University of Western Ontario

Selling Two Units of a Customizable Good

Watch recording


3 parallel sessions: Saturday, June 13, 2020  CEST 09:00

Yukinori Iwata

Nishogakusha University

Evaluating Opportunities when More is Less


Marion Ott

ZEW Mannheim

A Small Volume Reduction that Melts Down the Market: Auctions with Endogenous Rationing

Watch recording

Xu Lang

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Implementation of Reduced-Form Allocation Rules for Multiple Indivisible Objects under Constraints

Watch recording

4 parallel sessions: Saturday, June 13, 2020  CEST 10:00

Oihane Gallo

University of the Basque Country

Strategy-proofness in a Mixed Domain of Single-peaked and Single-dipped Preferences

Watch recording

Akaki Mamageishvili

ETH Zurich

Rational Learning in Voting for the Common Good: Optimal Committee Size and Rewards

Watch recording

Tomasz Sulka

DICE, University of Duesseldorf

Dynamic Model Persuasion

Watch recording

Daniel Garrett


Optimal Project Design


Keynote address: Saturday, June 13, 2020  CEST 11:00 – 13:00

Benny Moldovanu

University of Bonn

"Extreme Points and Majorization: Economic Applications"

(with Andreas Kleiner and Phillip Strack)


Watch recording


3 parallel sessions: Saturday, June 13, 2020  CEST 14:00

Bettina Klaus

University of Lausanne

The Core for Housing Markets with Limited Externalities

Watch recording

Niccolo Lomys

Toulouse School of Economics

Learning while Bargaining: Experimentation and Coasean Dynamics


Qinggong Wu

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Robust Binary Voting

Watch recording


4 parallel sessions: Saturday, June 13, 2020  CEST 15:00

Dongkyu Chang

City University of Hong Kong

Price Skimming: Commitment and Delay in Bargaining with Outside Option


Rouzbeh Ghouchani

Concordia University

Optimal Seller's Revenue with Asymmetric Bidders

Watch recording

Cedric Wasser

University of Basel

Competitive Information Disclosure to an Auctioneer

Watch recording

Sjur Flåm

University of Bergen

Rights and rents in local commons


4 parallel sessions: Saturday, June 13, 2020  CEST 16:00

Zsolt Bihary

Péter Kerényi

Péter Csóka

Corvinus University of Budapest

Gig Economy: A Dynamic Principal-Agent Model

Watch recording

Huihui Ding

CY Cergy Paris University

Deliberation and Epistemic Democracy

Watch recording

Berk Idem

Penn State University

Optimal Marketplace Design

Watch recording

Francesc Dilme

University of Bonn

Relational Contracts: Public versus Private Savings

Watch recording

3 parallel sessions: Saturday, June 13, 2020  CEST 17:00

Roberto Serrano

Brown University

Rationalizable Incentives: Interim Implementation of Sets in Rationalizable Strategies

Watch recording

Zaifu Yang

University of York

A Universal Dynamic Auction for Unimodular Demand Types


Keisuke Teeple

UC Davis

Mean-Preserving Unawareness in General Equilibrium

Watch recording

2 parallel sessions: Saturday, June 13, 2020  CEST 18:00

Evan Friedman

University of Essex

Mediating Conflict in the Lab

Watch recording

Arseniy Samsonov UCLA The Fragmentation of Views in a Democracy

Watch recording