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4 September 2022 to 7 September 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone


Postersession 2

6 Sep 2022, 13:00
Foyer/Cafeteria (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt)


Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt


Poster sollten im Format A0 (Höhe 118,9 cm, Breite 84,1 cm) gedruckt werden.
Die Poster sollen nach Möglichkeit morgens aufgehängt werden und den ganzen Tag über hängen bleiben.

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Stefanie Hirsch (Recipient of a DOC fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences at the Outpatient Unit for Research, Teaching and Practice, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna; The Stress of Life (SOLE) – Processes and Mechanisms Underlying Everyday Life Stress, University of Vienna) , Anja C. Feneberg (Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna; The Stress of Life (SOLE) – Processes and Mechanisms Underlying Everyday Life Stress, University of Vienna) , Urs M. Nater (Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna; The Stress of Life (SOLE) – Processes and Mechanisms Underlying Everyday Life Stress, University of Vienna) , Ricarda Mewes (Outpatient Unit for Research, Teaching and Practice, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna; The Stress of Life (SOLE) – Processes and Mechanisms Underlying Everyday Life Stress, University of Vienna)
06/09/2022, 13:00

Ethnic discrimination (ED) is associated with mental and physical health impairments. As a cause, a dysregulation of psychobiological stress systems can be assumed. Recognizing the need for adequate and well-timed interventions, this pilot study investigates the feasibility and the effectiveness of a music-based ecological momentary intervention aiming to reduce acute stress in the everyday...

Marina Tanja Waltraud Eglmaier (Arbeitsbereich Pädagogische Psychologie, Institut für Psychologie, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz) , Sigrid Hackl-Wimmer (Arbeitsbereich Pädagogische Psychologie, Institut für Psychologie, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz) , Manuela Paechter (Arbeitsbereich Pädagogische Psychologie, Institut für Psychologie, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz) , Ilona Papoušek (Arbeitsbereich Biologische Psychologie, Institut für Psychologie, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz) , Lars Eichen (Arbeitsbereich Elementarpädagogik, Institut für Pädagogische Bildungsforschung und PädagogInnenbildung, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz) , Karoline Rettenbacher (Arbeitsbereich Elementarpädagogik, Institut für Pädagogische Bildungsforschung und PädagogInnenbildung, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz) , Catherine Walter-Laager (Arbeitsbereich Elementarpädagogik, Institut für Pädagogische Bildungsforschung und PädagogInnenbildung, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz) , Helmut Karl Lackner (Lehrstuhl für Physiologie, Otto Loewi Forschungszentrum, Medizinische Universität Graz)
06/09/2022, 13:00

ECG measurements (e.g. assessments of heart rate variability, HRV) are a promising method for investigations with toddlers and young children. Wearable sensor technology enables reliable monitoring of physiological data in everyday situations and over long periods of time in a non-burdening way. However, the selection and interpretation of HRV variables for toddlers requires several...

Jasminka Majdandzic (University of Vienna) , Urs M. Nater (Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna; The Stress of Life (SOLE) – Processes and Mechanisms Underlying Everyday Life Stress, University of Vienna) , Elizabeth Broadbent (Department of Psychological Medicine, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand)
06/09/2022, 13:00

Music is known to be effective in reducing stress, but whether it may also affect health is still open. We examined whether music listening after a stressor accelerates skin barrier recovery (SBR) after impairment, and whether this effect is mediated by stress reduction.
Acute stress was induced in female participants using the Trier Social Stress Test, and followed by either 30 minutes of...

Hannah Tschenett (Institut für Klinische und Gesundheitspsychologie, Universität Wien) , Georg-Christian Funk (Karl Landsteiner Institut für Lungenforschung und Pneumologische Onkologie, Wien) , Florian Vafai-Tabrizi (Klinik Ottakring, Wien) , Urs Markus Nater (Institut für Klinische und Gesundheitspsychologie, Universität Wien)
06/09/2022, 13:00

Achtsamkeitsinterventionen (AI) konnten bei chronischen Erkrankungen psychische Belastung und Stress reduzieren; bei Personen mit der chronisch obstruktiven Lungenerkrankung (COPD) wurden AI jedoch kaum erforscht. Digitale Interventionen sind für COPD-Patient*innen besonders vielversprechend aufgrund ihrer eingeschränkten Mobilität. Diese Pilotstudie untersucht daher die Machbarkeit einer...

Hugh Murphy (Klagenfurt University) , Katharina Prandstetter (Universität Klagenfurt) , Ivo Kunovski (Institute for Marriage, Family and Systemic Practice – ALTERNATIVA, Macedonia) , Diana Taut (Babes-Bolyai University, Romania) , Judy Hutchings (Bangor University, United Kingdom) , Catherine Ward (University of Cape Town, South Africa) , Heather Foran (Universität Klagenfurt)
06/09/2022, 13:00

Objective: To evaluate the factor structure of the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) among caregivers of young children in Southeastern Europe. Background: The DASS-21 is a widely used measure in prevention and intervention research. However, studies regarding the scale’s psychometric properties among caregivers from non-Western countries are limited, and additional research is...

Hanna M. Mües (Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna; The Stress of Life (SOLE) – Processes and Mechanisms Underlying Everyday Life Stress, University of Vienna) , Charlotte Markert (Justus-Liebig-University Gießen) , Anja C. Feneberg (Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna; The Stress of Life (SOLE) – Processes and Mechanisms Underlying Everyday Life Stress, University of Vienna) , Urs M. Nater (Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna; The Stress of Life (SOLE) – Processes and Mechanisms Underlying Everyday Life Stress, University of Vienna)
06/09/2022, 13:00

Hintergrund: Während Müdigkeit sowohl mit gesteigertem als auch vermindertem sexuellem Erleben assoziiert sein kann, scheint sich Erschöpfung überwiegend negativ auszuwirken. Diese Studie untersucht die bidirektionale Beziehung zwischen Müdigkeit, Erschöpfung und sexuellem Erleben im Alltag.
Methode: Über 14 Tage hinweg wurden heterosexuelle gesunde Frauen (n=32) und Männer (n=31) in einer...

Stephan E. Vogel (Institut für Psychologie, Universität Graz) , Clemens Brunner (University of Graz) , Nikolaus A. Koren (University of Graz) , Judith Scheucher (University of Graz) , Jochen A. Mosbacher (University of Graz) , Bert De Smedt (KU Leuven) , Roland Grabner (University of Graz, Institute of Psychology)
06/09/2022, 13:00

Oscillatory electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns associated with arithmetic solution strategies have been found in numerous studies with adults. Fact retrieval is associated with left-hemispheric theta ERS (event-related synchronization), whereas procedural strategies are accompanied by bilateral alpha ERD (event-related desynchronization). It is currently not clear if these findings...

Helena Hartmann (SCAN-Unit, Department of Cognition, Emotion, and Methods in Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna) , Paul Forbes (SCAN-Unit, Department of Cognition, Emotion, and Methods in Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna) , Markus Rütgen (SCAN-Unit, Department of Cognition, Emotion, and Methods in Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna) , Claus Lamm (SCAN-Unit, Department of Cognition, Emotion, and Methods in Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna)
06/09/2022, 13:00

Psychopharmacological manipulations of the opioid system reduce empathy for pain; however, whether they go beyond emotional perception as far as changing our behavior towards others has never been shown. In a preregistered study, we investigated the potential downstream effects of such manipulations on prosocial behavior and found that analgesia induced via a placebo pill reduced effortful...

Achilleas Tsarpalis-Fragkoulidis (Universität Wien, Institut für klinische und Gesundheitspsychologie) , Vera Fössing (University of Vienna) , Meryem Liebel (University of Vienna) , Martina Zemp (Institut für Klinische und Gesundheitspsychologie, Fakultät für Psychologie, Universität Wien)
06/09/2022, 13:00

Fear of positive evaluation has recently been associated with a variety of features related to social anxiety, such submissive behaviors and increased negative affect in social situations, above and beyond fear of negative evaluation. Moreover, various maladaptive emotion regulation strategies, such as expressive suppression, are frequently employed by socially anxious individuals. The present...

Katrin Schäfer (Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna) , Hannah Tschenett (Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna) , Urs M. Nater (Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna; The Stress of Life (SOLE) – Processes and Mechanisms Underlying Everyday Life Stress, University of Vienna)
06/09/2022, 13:00

Yoga zeigte bereits in früheren Studien positive Effekte auf Stress, Achtsamkeit und Erschöpfung. Unklar ist, ob niederschwellige Angebote wie Online-Yoga subjektiven Stress und Erschöpfung verringern und Achtsamkeit steigern können. Dieser Frage wird in dieser Pilotstudie nachgegangen. Methode: Die randomisiert-kontrollierte (Wartelisten-) Pilotstudie umfasst 54 Teilnehmerinnen (M* =27...

Victoria Bart (UMIT - Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology) , Erdenechimeg Sharavdorj (National University of Mongolia) , Enerel Boldbaatar (National University of Mongolia) , Khishignyam Bazarvaani (National University of Mongolia) , Martina Rieger (Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology)
06/09/2022, 13:00

Sense of agency (SoA) is the sense of having control over one's own actions and the corresponding effects. We examined whether the delay between action and effect influences SoA differently depending on culture (Austrians vs. Mongolians). Participants performed adaption blocks in which actions were followed by immediate (immediate effect group) or by delayed (delayed effect group) effects. In...

Jochen Mosbacher (Universität Graz) , Michael Wehovz (Universität Graz) , Arnulf Moshammer (Universität Graz) , Mira Binder, Dr Kolja Pustelnik (Universität Göttingen) , Clemens Brunner (Universität Graz) , Stephan Vogel (Universität Graz) , Stefan Halverscheid (Universität Göttingen) , Roland Grabner (Universität Graz)
06/09/2022, 13:00
Biologische Psychologie und Neurowissenschaften

Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) is a promising tool to support arithmetic learning, and as theta-band activity has been linked to arithmetic processing we investigated the effects of theta-tACS on the acquisition of arithmetic knowledge. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two groups (sham-stimulation; n=25; 12 female or theta-tACS; n=25; 13 female) and solved...

Nadine Skoluda (Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna) , Nida Ali (Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna) , Urs M. Nater (Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna; The Stress of Life (SOLE) – Processes and Mechanisms Underlying Everyday Life Stress, University of Vienna)
06/09/2022, 13:00

The Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) is a well-established laboratory paradigm aimed to induce acute stress responses. However, its implementation requires a research environment with dedicated personnel (usually at a research institution). In the case of participants not being able to travel to a research institution (due to age, disability, or geographical location), a home version of the...